Photo galleries are hosted on Flickr - to view the photos of an event, click on the titles below to open the gallery in a new window.

St. Stephens 202nd Anniversary Celebration - June 9, 2024

SSJD Quiet Day - May 1, 2024

PWRDF Fund-Raising Lunch - April 14, 2024

Easter Sunday - March 31, 2024

Epiphany - January 7, 2024

St Stephens Carol Sing - December 26, 2023

St Stephens Creche - December 2023

Fish 'n Chip Supper - November 18, 2023

Rev. Jane Bell - October 22, 2023

Thanksgiving Lunch - October 8, 2023

Kamalpreet and Sunny's Wedding - July 29, 2023

St. Stephens Picnic - July 16, 2023

Kamal's Bridal Lunch - June 24, 2023

St Stephens 201st Anniversary Sunday - June 11, 2023

Confirmation Sunday with Bishop Mary - May 7, 2023

Easter Sunday and Holy Baptism - April 9, 2023

Palm Sunday - April 2, 2023

PWRDF Fundraising Lunch - March 26, 2023

Victoria's Birthday Celebration - March 19, 2023

Pancake Brunch - February 19, 2023

Arriving for St Stephens Open House - December 27, 2022

Thanksgiving Sunday - October 9, 2022

MNA Enrico Ciccone Presentation - July 17, 2022

60th Wedding Anniversary Celebration Shirley and Bob - July 3, 2022

St Stephens 200th Anniversary Celebration - June 12, 2022

200th Anniversary Celebration - June 12, 2022

200th Anniversary Dinner - June 11, 2022

Special Visit from Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Primate of Canada and Baptism - May 29, 2022

50th Wedding Luncheon for Mary and John - May 22, 2022

Confirmation with Bishop Mary - May 1, 2022

Christmas Eve Service - December 24, 2021

Joy Tree - December 2021

Fish and Chip Supper - November 27, 2021

Thanksgiving Sunday - October 10, 2021

Congratulations Victoria - June 27, 2021

St. Stephens 199th Anniversary Sunday Service - June 13, 2021

Easter Sunday Service - April 4, 2021

Spring at St Stephens - April 2021

Palm Sunday & First Sunday Back in Church Again - March 28, 2021

Welcome Back to St Stephens - September 6, 2020

Pancake & Sausage Brunch - February 23, 2020

Baptism & Epiphany Sunday - January 5, 2020

Christmas Eve Service - December 24, 2019

Confirmation Class Presentation - December 22, 2019

ACW Women's Day of Remembrance - December 6, 2019

Les Floralies - December 3, 2019

Thanksgiving Sunday - October 13, 2019

Religious Heritage Society Days - September 7-8, 2019

Shirley's Birthday Celebration - September 8, 2019

Sylvia & Gilles 5th Anniversary - August 4, 2019

Baptisms - July 28, 2019

Cassandra - July 14, 2019

St Stephens' 197th Anniversary - June 9, 2019

Chief Top Leaf - May 26, 2019

Easter Sunday - April 21, 2019

Palm Sunday - April 14, 2019

PWRDF Luncheon - March 24, 2019

Pancake & Sausage Brunch - March 3, 2019

Birthday Blessings - March 3, 2019

World Day of Prayer Service - March 1, 2019

Breakfast at Barbie's - January 16, 2019

Pizza 'n Praises - January 11, 2019

Epiphany & 3 Kings - January 6, 2019

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